Hello everyone. It seems like our plane trip took forever but we are finally here in Cape Verde! It is very exciting to be here and see our new surroundings, meet the current PCVs and get a grasp of the next 2 years of our lives. I spent 3 days in DC for staging where we got a general overview of the Peace Corps and its policies, got stuck with needles, and made friends with eachother. Everyone has such a unique background and its so nice to see that everyone brings something completely different to the table. Staging in DC was also great because we got to see the fireworks on the mall one last time before we left the states. I´m not the most patriotic person in the world but it was really cool to be in the nation´s capital with fireworks flying ahead the Washington monument before we boarded a plane and head over.
I don´t have any exciting stories to report yet but I am having a spilling problem. I spilled an entire glass of water on myself at a restaurant in DC. Then on the plane I spilled more water all over myself and on the shuttle from the airport to the terminal in Dakar, the leaking air conditioning decided to conveniently downpour water from the ceiling.
This afternoon we have lots of interviews and then maybe some more exploring the area.
Hope everyone is well. Keep in touch and I´ll report more soon.
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